Back in 1965 and before, Pattie worked the ‘flipped-out’ look at the ends of her hair. To achieve this style, “Just before my hair is completely dry, I give it a good brushing with a natural bristle brush… When my hair is gleaming (still dampish), I take about eight big round rollers and carefully roll up the ends. I curl them over about three times. You have to use more or less turns, depending on how much natural curl there is in your hair. When my hair is dry, I remove the rollers. Then I lift the hair at the top of my head and back-comb or brush it until there is enough teased up to give me a little "crown". Next, I comb over the teasing gently until the crown looks smooth and neat. Now I comb my bangs down over my eyebrows and, holding them lightly, flicking the ends up so that I get a curved line (which is very flattering to the eyes). Finally, I carefully comb the sides and ends, also flicking the bottoms up all the way around. The final move is to spray my hair thoroughly with a good, light hair spray. This holds it in place without getting it all gooey.”
To backcomb her hair, Pattie travelled with a long comb with fine teeth (AKA – a ducktail comb) and a bristle brush (try to buy a natural bristle brush if possible – it makes for healthier hair).
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