During the 50s and 60s, she was a source of inspiration for many girls (well the ones that wern't insanely jealous and hateful of Brigitte) who desired to look just like her. Brigitte, despite how sexually she was regarded, dressed rather modestly. Favoring dark-wash jeans, wool sweaters, cigarette pants, and trench coats, Brigitte always had a laid-back look that said, "Oh I know I look incredible, but really I only woke up three minutes ago and put on whatever was closest to me." The influence of her style can be seen on numerous other fashion icons, most notably Kate Moss. I saw an article online somewhere that compared both their styles using photographs. I'll post the link here once I find it.
In 1973 when she turned 40, Brigitte retired from film after 50+ pictures and numerous French-language albums. She turned her attention to speak for those without a voice, becoming an activist for animal rights, something that she continues to this day. Brigitte is now in her mid-70s and still carries herself with the quite grace she acquired from her ballerina days. She is truly one-of-a-kind; like a Marilyn Monroe or Cary Grant, the world will never see another Ms. Bardot in the entertainment world, no matter how many comparisons we make.
Jean Cocteau once said in regards to her, "I’ve always preferred mythology to history. History is composed of truths that become lies, mythology of lies that become truths. One characteristic of our age is that it creates instant myths in every field. The press is responsible for inventing people who already exist and endowing them with an imaginary life, superimposed on their own. Brigitte Bardot is a perfect example of this odd concoction. It is likely that fate set her down at the precise point where dream and morality merge. Her beauty and talent are undeniable, but she possesses some other, unknown quality which attracts idolaters in an age deprived of gods."
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