Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Dolly Rocker Girl Project

I started this blog as a way to branch out to people about my favorite films, music, people, clothing, characters, and books from decades past that I admire, but mostly so that I could write about the women that inspire me one way or another. I knew that there were people out there like me who loved these things, but it seemed like I couldn't ask a kid in the quad if she'd seen "The Thin Man" without her asking if I was talking about the anorexic wanna-be Dior model in AB Calculus. So I think I've found a pretty nice group of fellow bloggers who share my likes and dislikes, and they all seem to teach me something new whenever I read about them. This is both a blessing and a curse for me. It seems that most of what I write about is somewhat easily attainable elsewhere on the internet, so -- a crushing blow to my ego to admit it -- I am not unique in what I write. 
Recently I have acquired a new computer, which puts me in the position of either starting completely anew or having to perform the awful task of transferring my hundreds of old photographs from one computer to another. So, because I am a lazy person, I have decided to embrace the change. Instead of writing profiles about women I adore, I propose what could become something that could actually change my life: the Dolly Rocker Girl Project. 
I'm not exactly sure what it will entail, but I know what I want the end result to be: to come out at the end of this more like the women that I admire so much. If Julie Powell from Queens, New York, can become her own Julia Child, than with God as my witness I will become a mash-up of Brigitte, Pattie, Marianne, Jane, Anita and more! 

That doesn't sound too crazy, does it?

Friday, August 21, 2009

you say i'm crazy, i got your crazy

One of my favorite characters on television was Cassie Ainsworth, played by Hannah Murray on Skins. She was an anorexic kook with many issues, including drug abuse and suicidal tendencies. She reminds me a bit of Hamlet's Ophelia - a beautiful vulnerable blonde who, when faced with heartbreak, wants to drown themselves in the Thames. Well Cassie's version of drowning herself is with pills and alcohol, but still just as dramatic as Shakespeare.

Her fashion is so much fun - a mixture of glamorous pieces mixed in with cheap choices. She dresses sort of like a little girl in bobby socks, long skirts with crinoline, lace or silk blouses, mary janes, and sparkles and bows galore!

a bird of paradise, the sunrise in her eyes, god only knows such a sweet surprise

May Pang, John Lennon's girlfriend for several years during the mid-70s (the 'Lost Weekend'). During their time together, John repaired many of the fractured relationships in his life (like with Cyn and Julian Lennon, and the Beatles) and produced some of the best and most succesful music of his solo career. According to Lennon biographers, who point to his personal diaries for proof, Lennon wanted to be with Pang for most of the decade, even after the birth of his son Sean with Yoko. She was the inspiration for the song "Surprise Surprise (Sweet Bird of Paradox)" on Lennon's Walls and Bridges album.

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